Saturday, December 31, 2011

Best Albums Of 2011


I had always loved select songs from M83; when they were good, they were amazing, but when they weren't, they were mostly forgettable. I also always felt many songs fell short for lack of vocals. They ended up feeling incomplete, like less than a full song. On Hurry Up, We're Dreaming, however, both issues are resolved, and then some. This 22-song magnum opus is perfect from start to finish (okay, the kid going on about the frog gets old after the third of fourth listen, but we'll forgive that much). I listened to this, and only this, for what must have been weeks after getting it. It's like all the good parts of songs made up into an album. Rich melody after rich melody with no boring parts. There's nothing I'm not completely engaged in listening to while it's playing. This was without any question my favorite album of the year.


Full disclosure, this is probably my favorite band right now, so the stakes were pretty high when they put out their second full-length album. Thankfully, it was just as strong as all their previous work, which I suppose doesn't surprise me, but you really never know (I'm looking at you Bon Iver, but more on that later). They maintain their signature sound, with a full album of great songs and soundscapes. But like most great albums, it seems, there is one track I could do without, and on this album that is "The Shrine / An Argument". The first half is great (presumably "The Shrine") but the second half (presumably "An Argument") tries to do an experimental jazz thing that just comes across as a lot of noise. Maybe it's because I'm so non-confrontational, but I can do without this argument (zing!). "Someone You'd Admire" is my favorite track, and now one of the best in their catalog. "Blue Spotted Tail" is what I would want every song on every album to sound like, but I guess that's like eating the frosting without the cake. Still, it's perfect. I love the power of the title track "Helplessness Blues". If they're going to do loud and strong, I think this is the blueprint. I love this band so much, and can't wait to hear the albums they make in the years to come.


When I first started listening to this album, I had it as my best album of the year. It's such a kick ass record and it finally, finally, finally has helped me to understand why everyone was so into The Beastie Boys growing up. I never understood it, but Hot Sauce Committee Part Two is so much fun, and the half hour video they made starring every worthwhile working comedian was such an awesome way to tease the album. "Too Many Rappers" which features Nas is so aggressive and epic. This album made my summer.


The first time I listened to this album, I had illegally downloaded a leaked version and was sure, absolutely positive, it was one of those fake leaks that another unknown band puts a famous band's name on their album to get people to listen to it. Then when I accepted it was in fact The Strokes, I was sure, totally positive, that these must have been early demos of songs that were not yet complete, or may not even make it to the final album. Then I received the official actual physical CD from Amazon, and sure enough, they were exactly the same songs I had illegally downloaded. I was pretty disappointed. This was arguably my most anticipated album in a long time. If I was making this list a week or two after this album came out, I probably would've put it in my "Notable Disappointments" section. So how did it end up at number 4? I heard them play the songs live. Well, not in person. I wish. Still waiting for the U.S. tour. But they performed a total of four different tracks on SNL, David Letterman, and Jimmy Fallon, and I heard the songs in a whole new way. I went back to the album and kept listening to it, and the more I listened to it, the more I realized there was a lot of great material, and most of the album was pretty darn good. I'm really glad it worked out this way, because it kind of would've killed me to categorize these guys as disappointments.


This one kind of came out of nowhere, and boy was it a pleasant surprise. After Eddie Vedder did the Into The Wild soundtrack, I thought that was the direction either Pearl Jam should go, or he as a solo artists should go, because it was so beautiful and he could do that acoustic singer/songwriter sound until the day he died if he were so inclined. He must have had a similar thought, because this album is basically that, but on a ukulele, which makes it even better! Every song is gorgeous. This is such a beautiful album to listen to at home, when you're feeling mellow and at ease. So soothing and nurturing, definitely one to have in your library.


This little gem sort of came out of nowhere for me (Thanks, Junna), but really hit the spot. It's full of fun and happy pop songs from start to finish that remind me a bit of Camera Obscura, minus the lovelorn lyrics. Instead, this husband and wife duo sing about their adventures sailing the Atlantic. "Long Boat Pass", "Bimini Bay", and "Waterbirds" all stand out as favorites to me. I'm greatly looking forward to the release of their second album next month.


Another beautiful ethereal, atmospheric album from Ms. Barwick. If you liked her first album, Florine, you'll like this, too. I'm definitely a fan.


So much great work being done in the movie soundtrack realm these days. There's actually only a few "songs" on this soundtrack, but they kick ass, and the whole mood and tone of the soundtrack makes me want to drive a suped up muscle car 100mph on an empty freeway. It's just an unabashedly cool collection of tracks. "A Real Hero" and "Nightcall" stand out as chic and smooth and sexual. It's Fast and The Furious for the fashion kids. Still on the look out for my satin scorpion jacket.


Another great soundtrack, compliments of Frenchies Daft Punk. What an awesome opportunity to score the movie Tron, and they definitely lived up to the challenge. The best way, obviously, to hear this is to see the movie, as it goes so well with each scene the tracks are written for, but it's pretty cool on its own, as well.


Now up until today, this was going to be in my "Notable Disappointments" section. But then I remembered Pinkerton, Weezer's second album. When I first heard that, I was coming off the polished pop sounds of the EPIC Blue Album, and was totally confused as to what this mangled, sloppy, noisy, junk was they had recorded. I literally thought Weezer was a one-album wonder for years after that, until I kept hearing from random people I'd meet who would say that Pinkerton was amazing, and maybe even better than The Blue Album. I usually dismissed them as morons, until I'd finally heard from enough supposed morons to realize maybe I should give it another listen. Perhaps my tastes matured a bit, perhaps the album was ahead of its time, perhaps my expectations we're just so far off from what I got. I'm not sure why, but having initially hated Pinkerton, I came to understand that Pinkerton was The Blue Album's equal, that they were both EPIC in completely different ways. All of this is to say that I put Bon Iver on this top 10 list because I'm hedging my bets. When I first heard this, I had extremely high expectations. His debut album For Emma, Forever Ago blew my mind, it was one of the best albums I'd heard in years and years. It was the album I wished I had made, and then died of some tragic overdose or drowning before anyone had heard it, and then slowly, it would be discovered and passed around and I would be appreciated for the lost-too-soon genius that I was. So when I finally heard the second Bon Iver album, I think I was more laughing at it than anything. It sounded so cheesy, like bad 80s music or something. It's so produced and clean and sterile. I can barely understand the lyrics, and not in a good way. I can't hear them because they're not speaking to me. I'm not even sure the lyrics are worth hearing, because the ones I do understand....well, let's say I'm not sold. "Holocene" is, sonically (wouldn't be a music review without that word at least once!), a gorgeous song. I love it. Everything, that is, except the refrain "I can see for miles, miles, miles". I don't know why, I just don't like it. It just feels sort of vague and lazy. But the last track, "Beth/Rest"? I mean, not to live in the past, but the last track on For Emma, Forever Ago, "Re: Stacks", is one of the best songs I've heard in my life. "Beth/Rest" is so ridiculous I don't even know where to start. It's got a saxophone, and not in the cool M83 "Midnight City" way. I guess you would say it's non-ironic, which is fine, but it's sort of just bad. It's like a power ballad from the love scene in an 80s movie. Okay, enough complaining. I put it in the top 10 because I think one day I may come to appreciate this album. I could be wrong, but Bon Iver has done enough to earn the benefit of the doubt from me. I just hope this isn't a sound he sticks with for too long. And let's just note that it is dead last in my top 10. Only time will tell if that was the right decision.

Notable Disappointments: Radiohead - The King of Limbs (more like The King of Suck), TV On The Radio - Nine Types of Light (more like Nine Types of Suck), Iron & Wine - Kiss Each Other Clean (more like Suck Each Other Clean...yes, please).


Jason said...

It cheered me up that I downloaded about half of these for you, but I guess we still shared an office for half the year, so that makes sense. Unsurprisingly, there are zero overlapping titles in our respective Top 10s, but I do like all your picks (which I doubt you'll be able to say for mine, haha). And I enjoyed your alternate titles for the biggest disappointments. I've dubbed them "The Monahan Suck Variations." Sounds classical, no?

IAO said...

pretty sure you're the only person who read my reviews :) also, your blog hasn't been updated since November 11!! so where are your top albums if not there?

junna said...

but you forgot to include the new black keys & florence & the machine... they're your favorites ; )

IAO said...

You mean I forgot to put them on my Notable Disappointments list? Good point ;)